From Inspiration to Implementation:

Passion and Logic that shape my approach as a Software Developer

My expertise lies in web development and system logic, which is why I'm here. However, I am always eager to explore new domains and expand my knowledge. While hardware may not be my strongest suit, I actively engage with it and embrace opportunities to work with it.


Microleaf LyghtsLATEST

Modular lights that are controlled with a single mobile app, inspired by modern trends. To achieve this, I had to learn how to work with electronics, synchronization, communication between devices and develop mobile app that is compatible with multiple operating systems.


BattleShip Minigame

Battleship (also known as Battleships or Sea Battle) is a two-player strategy game (in this case you play against an artificial intelligence). Each player has different ships placed on his field that the opponent cannot see, the goal is to shoot down the ships. Making this game was a good way to learn how to create more complex logic and high user interaction in a limited interface.


Path Collision

An algorithm that processes the data and detects object collisions in a given interval. Includes graphical visualization and manageable settings. The main hurdle here was getting the math and logic right to calculate everything accurately.


Let's Study web-app

The Discord Let's Study partner project needs statistics, user management, blog creation, study material creation and much more. All this is managed by one web application. My task was to create a secure back-end and highly interactive front-end for the administrators and managers of this project. I worked with Discord and Google APIs to develop the entire system.

C++ C# CSS HTML JavaScript NodeJS React Python MongoDB MySQL Git Linux

I have at least 1-2 years or more experience in all of these technologies.

Icons created by Flaticon

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